‘Art’ opens June 8!

Winner of the Tony Award for Best Play, this “sharp, witty and clever” (The Guardian) comedy focuses on the meaning of art (in the form of a solid white painting) as well as the meaning of friendship, to both the man who bought the painting and the two friends who come to see it.

“Both plays are incredibly well crafted, both actors superbly suited to their roles, and both are so well staged and directed… I was blown away.”

Read Jonathan Charles Fox’s review of “Sea Wall & The Catastrophist” in The River Reporter

“Watching from the sidelines, you could easily envision shades of Brave New World and the groundbreaking flick Metropolis…”

River Rep’s classroom partnership program with Homestead School featured in The River Reporter

Acting classes for kids at The Homestead School in Glen Spey, N.Y.

“River Rep Theatre presents audaciously entertaining programming that engages through a diversity of perspectives and voices.”

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